The Teacher

Hi. I’m Helen DeWaard, your instructor, guide, critical digital literacy catalyst, and the designer of this course. If there’s anything you need, want, can’t find, or can’t figure out, please get in touch! You can reach me through the University email system, in D2L through instant message or email, OR connect with me in the many digital spaces in which I play and learn.

While I don’t have a physical office for this course, my virtual office door is open for you any time. I will be ONLINE and RESPONSIVE on Monday 2-5 and Wednesday 7-9 if you’d like to chat in any way.

Please remember and take to heart these two thoughts:

  • There is no shame or embarrassment in asking for help, although it is common to feel anxious in approaching one’s teacher. To enter my office and ask for help is an act of bravery. To enter and chat about nothing in particular often leads to new insight. Both are valuable. Both show that you trust me. I promise to respect you and earn that trust through compassionate listening and understanding. As a teacher, I know there is a power-relation between us. As best I can, I renounce this position. Think of me as human, imperfect and vulnerable just like you. Adam Heidebrink-Bruno

Please enter my virtual office (using any number of the suggested digital tools) at any time – email, DM on Twitter, send a text message in D2L, however you want or need to talk, I’m here to be your support and will compassionately assist in any way possible. I’m in my virtual office during the times listed above. Please don’t feel you need to struggle through this course alone – I’m an email, tweet or ping away.

  • “Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact Student Services for support. Furthermore, please notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable her to provide any resources that she may possess.” Sara Goldrick-Rab 

 Please reach out when you need support. I will echo this statement to let you know you can speak with me directly if you are comfortable doing so, or the chair of the Faculty of Education.
